GL Update 4/3


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It's a new month! It's a month of rain! And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the fourth forum update of the year! 2024 is going by fast, and so we get on with....

---- Of the Month ----

Member of the month goes to Artisan Vistra Artisan Vistra for many great posts around the forum! (and beating cm2 by one plot point post lol)

Topic of the month is: Sonic Heroes Remake

---- March Awards ----

Top five posters of the month have gotten their tree like awards! Congrats! :)

---- Guilded Live! ----

For quick chat and online gaming chat, we have launch a Guilded channel! Please go here to join it: Join Our Guilded!

---- Thanks for voting for the madness! ----

FP had its annual forum voting contest and though we didn't get to the number one spot, we did do well. Thank you to all who voted! :grin:

---- Updates? ----

I know the forum has been a bit quiet of late, I'm currently trying to buy my first house, so lots to do in that regard but I hope to get some updates done to the forum this month. Also hoping to do a forum member award of some kind via Guilded, so keep an eye out for that!

That's it for this update. Hope everyone has fun this month!

---- Stats ----

We currently have 528,617 posts and 4,197 members. In this last month we made over 2.264 posts!
Congratulations Artisan Vistra Artisan Vistra

How many times have you won the MoTM?
7th time. Still less than cm2 cm2! It takes a lot of time to get these awards.

7th time. Still less than cm2 cm2! It takes a lot of time to get these awards.

7 times, that's big. So how many do cm2 cm2 have? 10 or more?
Dunno I never counted it lol
so after you have your new house, what will happen with your current garden? make a new garden inside your new house with a Tifa statue? lol Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith
Well if it's indoor, there won't be deer eating your flowers/plants for one lol

deer in the area that would eat them