Windows 10 is still the dominant Microsoft OS


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Read from tweaktown:

Windows 11 has been out for two years, so you might wonder how it's doing regarding market share. According to the latest report from StatCounter, there has been growth over the past year, with Windows 11 now accounting for 23.64% of the PC market as of September 2023 - a sizable jump from the 13.61% from a year ago. However, users aren't upgrading from Windows 10

Looking at the StatCounter data, it's clear that as more people upgrade to Windows 11, far fewer people are still running Windows 7 and Windows 8. Even though Microsoft's latest OS is the successor to the popular Windows 10, Windows numero 10 is still the dominant Operating System with a whopping 71.64% market share.

And to make the situation even more interesting, Windows 10 market share hasn't changed over the past year, with the September 2023 figures being just about identical to the September 2022 ones.

I imagine a lot of people thesedays are buying new computers less often, so there are still many Windows 10 computers which are still in use.
Eventually, everyone will be forced to upgrade to Windows 11.
People just hate change, so until change is forced, people won’t.

I love how every time a new version of Windows comes out, people talk about how it’s the worst version ever. Then after the next version comes out, people talk about how they refuse to leave the previously hated version.
People just hate change, so until change is forced, people won’t.

I love how every time a new version of Windows comes out, people talk about how it’s the worst version ever. Then after the next version comes out, people talk about how they refuse to leave the previously hated version.

Going to be hard press to find anyone saying that for W8.
Going to be hard press to find anyone saying that for W8.
There were quite a few Windows 8 stans losing their shit like everyone else when 10 came out. They weren’t as large in number as the other Windows versions, but they were still noticeable.

Seems like the average person just sticks with their computer, and whatever Windows it came with, and you better upgrade that through their cold dead fingers.
There were quite a few Windows 8 stans losing their shit like everyone else when 10 came out. They weren’t as large in number as the other Windows versions, but they were still noticeable.

Seems like the average person just sticks with their computer, and whatever Windows it came with, and you better upgrade that through their cold dead fingers.

Guess there is always a small amount of fools for each OS.

Some stick with the PC/OS because that's the last version that will run certain stuff they have.
I feel work from home, computer shortages and rising computer prices caused by the Covid19 lockdowns and Covid19 supply chain problems because of Covid lockdowns can be one of the reasons Windows 10 having many more users than other PC OSes.

A small percentage of people may decide to install or dual boot Windows 10 on their home Linux or Mac OS X computer if their school or work require them to use software like Internet Explorer or old versions of MS Edge which only have a Windows version.
Guess there is always a small amount of fools for each OS.

Some stick with the PC/OS because that's the last version that will run certain stuff they have.
In my experience, those guys don’t make a scene about it because they’re well aware of what they’re doing and why.

Usually the ones who complain the loudest are resistant to change, especially if they’re a power user. So if there’s any visual changes, there’ll be complaints, and if Microsoft moves where system files/settings are at, even more complaints.

The latter was one of the biggest complaints from power users when Vista/7 came out. They changed a lot under the hood compared to XP.
I personally liked XP & 8.1. Windows 10, I'm getting used to after several years. I haven't heard many people liking Windows 11. I had read up on some sites to see what I may be in for as we need a new computer soon.
There is no god-damn reason on this world that they had to bury the optional updates page further into menu settings. It's ridiculous.
You might as well quit and get a new job if something this minor causes you to cry this much. Things get much worse from here.

Also, do you complain like this every time you get a new version of Windows?
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I personally liked XP & 8.1. Windows 10, I'm getting used to after several years. I haven't heard many people liking Windows 11. I had read up on some sites to see what I may be in for as we need a new computer soon.
Tbh, every new version of Windows is widely reviled until more people get used to it. The vast majority of complaints usually fall under the banner of “it’s different so it sucks”.
The only Reason I upgrade windows is always because of the Direct X lol